


俞先生世代書香,早歲博覽群書,對中國詩詞、歷史頗具心得,來臺後潛心究中國古典戲劇,並廣及文學、美術、音樂、舞蹈、雕刻 、電影等藝術。鑒於四方文化之衝擊,主張民族風格之復興。著有戲劇縱談、寥音閣集,及新繡襦記、王魁負桂英、楊八妹等國劇劇本,其他作品散見於報章雜誌。


中國文化學院為紀念俞氏之貢獻,特專陳列俞式生前所藏圖書、唱片、錄音帶等珍貴資料,以為其遺志之發揚。 (牛川海)

Professor Yu Ta-Kang, a Playwright

Professor Yu Ta-kang, style name Liao-yin, a native of Shaohsing, Chekiang province, was born on June 18, 1908. After graduating from Yenching University, he worked at the Academia Sinica and the National Chekiang University. He came to Taiwan from Hong Kong in 1953. He was head of the Chinese Opera section of the Drama Department of the College of Chinese Culture, director of Chinese Drama Research Institute of the China Academy, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the College of Chinese Culture.

Professor Yu came from a literary family. He was quite at home in Chinese history and poetry. After coming to Taiwan, he devoted himself to the study of Chinese classical drama, while his interest was versatile, covering almost every field of literature and art. With his efforts and resources, he made great contribution to the promotion and revival of Chinese classical Drama. He wrote many essays on Chinese drama, a collection of poems, and a number of plays, some of which are adapted from old plays.

Professor Yu died on May 2, 1977. He is survived by his wife, a son, and two daughters. As a memorial to the late Professor Yu, the College of Chinese Culture has set up a special room to permanently display professor Yu's books, phonograph records, and tape records.